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Speed Up Google Chrome Browser

Even though the newly launched Google Chrome is quite fast and stable, some of you might still find it a little slower to match your imagination. With the refurbished smart interface and default browsing speed, the browser might have been a flawless introduction, if it was designed to accommodate a little more speed. However, you can’t deny the potential efficiency of Google Chrome! The browser is here to take you to the next level of web revolution. Without compromising its working efficiency and simplicity, you can still customize it to equip it with more speed. Yes, it’s yet possible. How? Read on to know the most 10 wired ways to help Google Chrome work fast.

Ciri-Ciri Terkena Virus Conficker dan Cara Mengatasinya

Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi dikantor, betapa menggangunya conficker bila sudah menyerang PC yang terkoneksi dengan PC lain via LAN. berikut ciri-ciri dan cara mengatasinya berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi saya..

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